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It’s a common and annoying problem, you’re out with some friends or at work and your phone dies. When you need a charger the most, the Kyte & Key Cabelet is the solution. A lightning or micro usb cable that acts like a bracelet which retails for $70.


The Cabelet is designed to look like just a personal accent. It’s a braided leather bracelet that comes in three colors, White, black and orange. It clicks on like a bracelet and it looks like a leather band wrapped around your wrist.


Once you take off the Cabelet it is actually a short charging cable. It’s your standard USB to Lightning connector, so you just need to unhook one end, put it in your iPhone’s port and then connect it to some USB power source on the other end. Any power source will do.


Not everybody would be a fan of having a power cable wound around their wrist at all times. However off the top of your head, you could think of the many situations where you really needed to charge your phone. The cabelet would be incredibly handy and considering it’s color choices, it’s hard to turn this item down.

Check out a video below showing how this unique bracelet works.

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